2024 KSSPN 학술대회 Program
Program at a glance |
Room A | Room B | |
08:30-08:50 | Registration | |
08:50-09:00 | Opening Remark | |
09:00-10:00 | Deep Dive into Ulnar Nerve | Free Paper I |
10:00-11:00 | My Experience of Peripheral Nerve Repair with Allograft | Free Paper II |
11:00-11:20 | Coffee Break | |
11:20-12:00 | Special Invited Lecture (Room A) | |
12:00-12:20 | Best Paper Presentation (Room A) | |
12:20-13:40 | Luncheon Seminar 및 기념촬영 (Room A), Lunch | |
13:40-14:40 | Parsonage-Turner Syndrome (Neuralgic Amyotrophy) | |
14:40-15:40 | Reinnervation after Flap Surgery | Award Session |
15:40-16:00 | Coffee Break | |
16:00-17:00 | Skills in Nerve Surgery (video Session) | Free Paper III |
17:00-17:20 | 총회 (Room A) | |
Room A |
08:30-08:50 | Registration | |
08:50-09:00 | Opening Remark | 대한말초신경수술학회 회장 노시영 |
09:00-10:00 | Deep Dive into Ulnar Nerve | 좌장: 서울의대 권성택, 고려의대 박종웅 |
Anatomy and Ultrasound Finding relevant to Surgery | 인제의대 이현일 | |
Surgical Treatment of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome | 원광의대 강홍제 | |
Surgical Treatment of Guyon Canal Syndrome | SNU서울병원 곽상호 | |
Surgical Strategy for Failed Cubital Tunnel Release | 중앙의대 이재성 | |
Discussion | ||
10:00-11:00 | My Experience of Peripheral Nerve Repair with Allograft | 좌장: 한양의대 최승석, 가톨릭의대 이주엽 |
Update on Nerve Allograft | W병원 남현재 | |
Avance (준영메디컬) | 연세의대 최윤락 | |
Meganerve (L&C 바이오) | 연세의대 이동원 | |
Scconnect (DOF) | 울산의대 오태석 | |
Discussion | ||
11:00-11:20 | Coffee Break | |
11:20-12:00 | Special Invited Lecture | 좌장: 예손병원 백구현, 광명성애병원 노시영 |
Motor Reconstruction: Tendon or Nerve Transfer | Chiang Mai University Kanit Sananpanich | |
Discussion | ||
12:00-12:20 | Best Paper Presentation | 좌장: 한림의대 최수중, W병원 우상현 |
(최우수상) Sticky and Strain-Gradient Artificial Epineurium for Sutureless Nerve Repair in Rodents and Nonhuman Primates | 고려의대 최인철 | |
(우수상) Mechanisms of Wharton's Jelly-Derived MSCs in Enhancing Peripheral Nerve Regeneration | 울산의대 최순진 | |
12:20-12:40 | Luncheon Seminar | 좌장: 울산의대 김재광 |
탈리제 | 울산의대 최신우 | |
12:40-13:40 | 기념촬영 & Lunch | |
13:40-14:40 | Parsonage-Turner Syndrome (Neuralgic Amyotrophy) | 좌장: 서울의대 이영호, 동국의대 어수락 |
Pathophysiology | 서울의대 이요한 | |
Imaging Diagnosis | 고려의대 영상의학과 안경식 | |
Clinical and Electrophysiological Aspects | 중앙의대 재활의학과 이병찬 | |
Clinical Approach of AIN Syndrome | 가톨릭의대 박일중 | |
Panel Discussion (서울의대 공현식, 한양의대 김주학) | ||
14:40-15:40 | Reinnervation after Flap Surgery | 좌장: 차의과대 한수홍, 인하의대 기세휘 |
Sensory Recovery after Hand Reconstruction | 가톨릭의대 김지윤 | |
Flap Neurotization in Hand Reconstruction | 고려의대 문경철 | |
Motor and Sensory Recovery after Tongue Reconstruction | 건국의대 이명철 | |
Flap Neurotization in Tongue Reconstruction | 울산의대 김영철 | |
Panel Discussion (가톨릭의대 정성노, 연세의대 홍종원) | ||
15:40-16:00 | Coffee Break | |
16:00-17:00 | Skills in Nerve Surgery (Video Session) | 좌장: 서울현병원 신현대, 전주수병원 이병호 |
My Strategies for Peripheral Nerve Entrapment | 서울의대 김지형 | |
Management for Sensory Nerve Injury according to the Dorsum vs Palm in Hand | W병원 김영우 | |
My Experiences for Iatrogenic Nerve Injuries of the Upper Extremity | 이화의대 김지섭 | |
Surgical Tip of Donor Harvest for Best Outcome after AIN Supercharge to Ulnar Nerve | 충남의대 차수민 | |
Panel Discussion (을지의대 이상기, 나은필병원 김종필) | ||
17:00-17:20 | 총 회 | |
Room B |
08:30-08:50 | Registration | |
08:50-09:00 | Opening Remark | 대한말초신경수술학회 회장 노시영 |
09:00-10:00 | Free Paper I (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Nerve Trauma) | 좌장: 순천향의대 김병성, 건국의대 이승준 |
1 | What are the differences between patients who choose repeated corticosteroid injection and surgery after the failure of corticosteroid injections for carpal tunnel syndrome? | 울산의대 신영호 |
2 | Successful Surgical & Multidisciplinary Treatment for CRPS Resulting from Simple Hand Laceration: A Case Report | 가톨릭의대 김동연 |
3 | Screening for Amyloidosis in Korean Patients Presenting with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) | 국군수도병원 이정현 |
4 | Reconstruction of the digital nerve gap using MegaNerve Prime® | 동국의대 어수락 |
5 | Angiographic findings of the median artery in two patients with carpal tunnel syndrome | 국민건강보험 일산병원 이준구 |
6 | A Clinical Application Study on Ultrasonographic Cross-Sectional Area of Median nerve at the Wrist in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | 고려의대 Loren Lantine |
Discussion | ||
10:00-11:00 | Free Paper II (Brachial Plexus) | 좌장: 광명성애병원 김진수, 부산의대 이상현 |
1 | Transfer of a C7 Fascicle for the Pectoralis Major to the Spinal Accessory Nerve: A Case Report | 이화의대 김경언 |
2 | Subjective Changes in Non-Upper Extremity Areas Following Contralateral Seventh Cervical Nerve Transfer for Spastic Hemiplegia | 서울의대 이요한 |
3 | Results of reconstruction of suprascapular nerve, axillary nerve, and musculocutaneous nerve using simultaneous transfer of spinal accessory nerve and median/ulnar nerve in upper arm type brachial plexus injury | 서울의대 황지섭 |
4 | Contralateral Transfer of 7th Cervical Root: Case Reports | 경북의대 이현주 |
5 | Brachial Plexus Injury: Restoring Shoulder Function with Modified Trapezius Transfer | 가천의대 진동욱 |
6 | A fascicle of median nerve to biceps nerve transfer to restore elbow flexion in C5-7 brachial plexus injury | 울산의대 이원선 |
Discussion | ||
11:00-11:20 | Coffee Break | |
11:20-12:00 | Special Invited Lecture (Room A) | |
12:00-12:20 | Best Paper Presentation (Room A) | |
12:20-12:40 | Luncheon Seminar (Room A) | |
12:40-13:40 | 기념촬영 & Lunch | |
14:40-15:40 | Award Session (심사위원장 이재훈) | 좌장: 고신의대 권영호, 연세원주의대 오진록 |
1 | 전골간신경 장무지굴곡건 분지의 선택적 분절 염전(Torsion) : 증례 보고 | 고려의대 고영윤 |
2 | Facial Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Following Iatrogenic Infraorbital Nerve (ION) Injury: A Case Study | 가톨릭의대 김동연 |
3 | Targeted Muscle Reinnervation & Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interfaces for Prevention and Management of Symptomatic Neuromas: Clinical Experience | W병원 가인호 |
4 | Predictive and Cut-off Values of Preoperative Compound Muscle Action Potential Amplitude for Evaluating Outcomes in Cubital Tunnel Syndrome | 연세의대 조재용 |
5 | Analysis of the Anatomical Factors Associated with Cubital Tunnel Syndrome | 을지의대 이상기 |
Discussion | ||
15:40-16:00 | Coffee Break | |
16:00-17:00 | Free Paper III | 좌장: 전주수병원 이준모, 고려의대 최인철 |
1 | Double entrapment neuropathy of the Ulnar Nerve at the Elbow and the Wrist : Double Crush Syndrome? | 성균관의대 김동희 |
2 | Ulnar nerve loop in wrist: case presentation and literature review | 인제의대 이현일 |
3 | Large, well-differentiated liposarcoma near the radial nerve in the forearm | 울산의대 배주열 |
4 | Neuroma after amputation and centrocentral reanastomosis | 순천향의대 차주영 |
5 | The Electrodiagnostic and Clinical Outcomes After Supercharged Anterior Interosseous Nerve Transfer in Advanced Cubital Tunnel Syndrome | 고려의대 장태영 |
6 | Ulnar Nerve Transposition Alone versus Additional Supercharge End-to-Side Anterior Interosseous-to-Ulnar Motor Nerve Transfer in Severe Idiopathic Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. | 연세의대 조재용 |
Discussion | ||
17:00-17:20 | 총 회 | |